Annamarie Sesta is the founder of the Chrome Angelz RC. Chrome Angelz came to be when Annamarie decided she wanted to ride with other women motorcycle enthusiasts to develop a sisterhood to have fun, give back to her community, and ride – without drama.
Annamarie is a lifelong resident of New Jersey, so it made perfect sense to start the Jersey Shore chapter in 2011. In 2012, she decided to take Chrome Angelz national and quickly had a “cousin” chapter in Michigan. International membership was not far behind as Canada joined in 2013. As of today, there more than 200 chapters of the Chrome Angelz worldwide over four continents and continuing to grow.
Although Annamarie loves her Chrome Angelz, she is quick to remind sisters that family comes first, and she is the glue of her family. Annamarie is married with two adult children and two grandsons who are her world. Her husband and daughter also ride and if her dog is not on the back of her Valkyrie, her grandson is!
In addition to the ever growing list of Chrome Angelz, Annamarie’s lists of adventures continue to grow as well. Beginning in 2015, Chrome Angelz began hosting annual conventions to allow Angelz from all over to gather – Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina, Maine, Minnesota, Arizona and the latest, New Jersey. But it is not just conventions that keep Annamarie traveling on her motorcycle. In August 2018, Annamarie, her daughter, Dominique, and her grandson, Logan (age 9 at the time), set out on and completed an amazing journey – Coast to Coast on Angelz Wingz – where they traveled nearly 8,000 miles on their Valkyries, traveling through 25 states, visiting countless National Parks and Monuments, and did so in 26 days!
Annamarie is a lifelong resident of New Jersey, so it made perfect sense to start the Jersey Shore chapter in 2011. In 2012, she decided to take Chrome Angelz national and quickly had a “cousin” chapter in Michigan. International membership was not far behind as Canada joined in 2013. As of today, there more than 200 chapters of the Chrome Angelz worldwide over four continents and continuing to grow.
Although Annamarie loves her Chrome Angelz, she is quick to remind sisters that family comes first, and she is the glue of her family. Annamarie is married with two adult children and two grandsons who are her world. Her husband and daughter also ride and if her dog is not on the back of her Valkyrie, her grandson is!
In addition to the ever growing list of Chrome Angelz, Annamarie’s lists of adventures continue to grow as well. Beginning in 2015, Chrome Angelz began hosting annual conventions to allow Angelz from all over to gather – Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina, Maine, Minnesota, Arizona and the latest, New Jersey. But it is not just conventions that keep Annamarie traveling on her motorcycle. In August 2018, Annamarie, her daughter, Dominique, and her grandson, Logan (age 9 at the time), set out on and completed an amazing journey – Coast to Coast on Angelz Wingz – where they traveled nearly 8,000 miles on their Valkyries, traveling through 25 states, visiting countless National Parks and Monuments, and did so in 26 days!
Behind the Wingz: Our Founder
Annamarie also does her best to meet Angelz from all of over the world when her day job allows. While she typically does all of her travel on her motorcycle, in 2017, the day job interfered with Annamarie riding to Texas when she was asked to be a speaker at Texas’s Lace, Grace & Gears Motorcycle Rally so she flew instead. At the rally, she met up with Chrome Angelz from all over the United States, and also a president from an Austrian chapter of Chrome Angelz.
Riding is her passion, second only to her family. Chrome Angelz RC has become so much more than she ever could have imagined, and she is so thankful to see it grow and blossom each year.
Riding is her passion, second only to her family. Chrome Angelz RC has become so much more than she ever could have imagined, and she is so thankful to see it grow and blossom each year.

It is our mission to provide a supportive, nurturing environment to foster and encourage women who are interested in riding. Our organization prides itself on embracing any and all women riders who seek to expand their riding adventures, make lifelong friends, and be leading examples within the riding community.
To unite women motorcycle enthusiasts worldwide. To inspire women to embrace the interest of riding for recreation, philanthropy and sisterhood, and all while promoting a positive image of the motorcycling community.
- Our values are those of respect, acceptance, and support.
- We always promote positive and role model behaviors.
- We support and encourage one another.
- We embrace differences to learn and grow.
- We love our veterans and enjoy spending time with them at the veteran's homes, and especially when we are escorting them back to their families.
- We give back to the community through volunteering, charity, and motorcycle runs.
- We have fun!
- And last, but certainly not least, aside from our love of riding, we have one shared desire: No Drama.
Chrome Angelz RC
Executive Board

Annamarie "Swingz" Sesta
New Jersey
You may be referred to speak to Annamarie directly by another Board Member depending on your specific need. The best way to contact her is to PM her on Facebook Messenger asking for a specific time to call that is good for her, as she works and has a family.
Annamarie "Swingz" Sesta
New Jersey
You may be referred to speak to Annamarie directly by another Board Member depending on your specific need. The best way to contact her is to PM her on Facebook Messenger asking for a specific time to call that is good for her, as she works and has a family.

VP of Membership
Jennifer "Sunshine" Severance
Assists founder with all aspects of membership including but not limited to; leading the Member Advisory Committee, updating and sending out informational packets, CARC logos, updates the “Find A Chapter” pages on this site with chapter information. She also creates pull-tab flyers for chapters (the chapter president must supply chapter information to create the flyer).
Jennifer "Sunshine" Severance
Assists founder with all aspects of membership including but not limited to; leading the Member Advisory Committee, updating and sending out informational packets, CARC logos, updates the “Find A Chapter” pages on this site with chapter information. She also creates pull-tab flyers for chapters (the chapter president must supply chapter information to create the flyer).

Public Relations/Recruiting Director
Kerrie "Fury" Neumann
Promotes the organization. She recruits new chapters and helps recruit probates by identifying potential probates as people express interest in our organization. Helps with naming and verify chapter names are available. Provides chapter applications to be filled out and then will email the application to our founder. New chapter applications are only sent out by her. All referrals go to her.
Kerrie "Fury" Neumann
Promotes the organization. She recruits new chapters and helps recruit probates by identifying potential probates as people express interest in our organization. Helps with naming and verify chapter names are available. Provides chapter applications to be filled out and then will email the application to our founder. New chapter applications are only sent out by her. All referrals go to her.

Internal Communication Coordinator
Tina "Faith" Smith Jones
North Carolina
Touches base with chapter presidents to see if they need any guidance or clarification on guidelines/by-laws. Helps with setting up chapter Facebook pages (public/private/secret). Also verifies that chapter information is current and if not, will forward for updating. Tina assists chapters with flyer creations.
Tina "Faith" Smith Jones
North Carolina
Touches base with chapter presidents to see if they need any guidance or clarification on guidelines/by-laws. Helps with setting up chapter Facebook pages (public/private/secret). Also verifies that chapter information is current and if not, will forward for updating. Tina assists chapters with flyer creations.

Shelley "Tater" Thomas
New Jersey
Transcribe and post Convention notes and monthly web meetings on our Website within 2 weeks of the event. (written notes/outline will be provided by founder and also put in notes from recordings). Assists in the creation of all letters of communication for the organization.
Shelley "Tater" Thomas
New Jersey
Transcribe and post Convention notes and monthly web meetings on our Website within 2 weeks of the event. (written notes/outline will be provided by founder and also put in notes from recordings). Assists in the creation of all letters of communication for the organization.

Data Administrator
Celeste "Pit Stop" Kretschmer Sigmund
Enters member information into our database and keeps it current. Adds members onto the members page, only once paperwork has been received by the organization.
Celeste "Pit Stop" Kretschmer Sigmund
Enters member information into our database and keeps it current. Adds members onto the members page, only once paperwork has been received by the organization.

Dominique "Phoenix" Transue
New Jersey
Keeps track of all CARC Organization moneys throughout the year. Yearly report given at the Convention.
Dominique "Phoenix" Transue
New Jersey
Keeps track of all CARC Organization moneys throughout the year. Yearly report given at the Convention.

Convention Director
Kristin "Fearless" Roemer
New York
She follows-up with Convention planning on booked businesses as well as checking in on the hosting chapter.
Kristin "Fearless" Roemer
New York
She follows-up with Convention planning on booked businesses as well as checking in on the hosting chapter.

Corporate Fundraising & Public Relations Director
Rebecca "SpoonFedd" Lynch
Approves all chapter fundraising prior to event; any chapter activity involving accepting, or gifting money i.e.. benefits, poker runs, bike nights, auctions. Please review section titled “Fundraising” in packet. Approves all use of our CARC logo. Can also send out logos. She promotes Chrome Angelz RC to businesses, works on gathering sponsorships, as well as promotions, and also campaigning. Will also help business with promoting on the website.
Rebecca "SpoonFedd" Lynch
Approves all chapter fundraising prior to event; any chapter activity involving accepting, or gifting money i.e.. benefits, poker runs, bike nights, auctions. Please review section titled “Fundraising” in packet. Approves all use of our CARC logo. Can also send out logos. She promotes Chrome Angelz RC to businesses, works on gathering sponsorships, as well as promotions, and also campaigning. Will also help business with promoting on the website.

Sergeant At Arms/Protocol Officer
Leah "Ducky" Garrett
New Jersey
Works with chapters on Protocol Guidelines to ensure we are staying safe. The following signed forms will be emailed to her and cataloged: Patch Lease Agreement, Riding Waiver, and Chapter By-Laws and the President/Member Verification Form.
Leah "Ducky" Garrett
New Jersey
Works with chapters on Protocol Guidelines to ensure we are staying safe. The following signed forms will be emailed to her and cataloged: Patch Lease Agreement, Riding Waiver, and Chapter By-Laws and the President/Member Verification Form.

Merchandise Coordinator
Keiko "Detour" Shrottke
New Jersey
Collects merchandise orders from Chapter Presidents and creates invoices. Helps with questions about any
merchandise or how to submit orders.
Keiko "Detour" Shrottke
New Jersey
Collects merchandise orders from Chapter Presidents and creates invoices. Helps with questions about any
merchandise or how to submit orders.

International Chaplain
Sue "Runaround Sue" McConnell
Administers and monitors our CARC Chapel page and is available to offer support. She will keep information you may share in confidence which includes board, family and other members as well. She is a good listener. If she does not understand your concern she will guide you to a sister who should. She cannot take sides. She is neutral. She will not mediate between members.
Sue "Runaround Sue" McConnell
Administers and monitors our CARC Chapel page and is available to offer support. She will keep information you may share in confidence which includes board, family and other members as well. She is a good listener. If she does not understand your concern she will guide you to a sister who should. She cannot take sides. She is neutral. She will not mediate between members.

Catherine "Alias" Del Valle
Updates International Website (“find a chapter" pages updated by Jen). Documents Chrome Angelz RC history. You can submit news articles, interviews and pictures relevant for our history. She will add good deeds, volunteer time, etc. She also posts important event dates. She would love to have pictures from any event you participate in, i.e. runs, volunteering, bike nights, etc.
Catherine "Alias" Del Valle
Updates International Website (“find a chapter" pages updated by Jen). Documents Chrome Angelz RC history. You can submit news articles, interviews and pictures relevant for our history. She will add good deeds, volunteer time, etc. She also posts important event dates. She would love to have pictures from any event you participate in, i.e. runs, volunteering, bike nights, etc.

Social Media Coordinator
Kecia “U-Turn” Balose
North Carolina
She takes care of all our social media platforms including but not limited to: YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook (public page), etc. Please send her any ride and CARC photos to share online.
Kecia “U-Turn” Balose
North Carolina
She takes care of all our social media platforms including but not limited to: YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook (public page), etc. Please send her any ride and CARC photos to share online.
Canadian Ambassador

European Ambassadors

Sabina Eschmann
Sabina Eschmann

Catherine Meredith
Catherine Meredith